On this week’s episode of Married At First Sight, the couples have reached a milestone in their marriages. It’s their one-month anniversaries. There is only four weeks left in the experiment. This should be a day to remember, but it turns out to be one some want to forget. Whew, chile I see why some of these people were alone for YEARS. Obviously old habits die hard, because many don’t seem to want to learn any new tricks. One couple may be done for good after an explosive argument. Lucky for us we get to take a break from our own problems and watch it play out while we eat popcorn.
In the last episode, Elizabeth Bice coerces Jamie Thompson to participate in a full moon circle. The next morning they drink the moon water that was left sitting outside all night. Ummm… gross. The cups are filled with water, a rock and whatever found its way from the elements into the glass. Let’s hope this “new energy” means that neither of them will have another fight for at least a week. Although Jamie whines a lot, he puts up with all of Elizabeth’s crazy. Honestly, I don’t know how either of them deals with each other. It’s been a month and they have had more fights than I can count.
Keith Manley meets with a friend to discuss his marriage. His friend is shocked that Iris Caldwell is a virgin and that Keith has abstained this long. On the other hand, Keith doesn’t want to take Iris’ virginity if their relationship doesn’t last. I have great respect for Keith because he has been very open and patient, despite not expecting to marry a virgin stranger. Iris, you are going to have to loosen up, dear. Your virginity shouldn’t define you as a person.
Pastor Calvin Roberson checks in with Deonna McNeill and Greg Okotie to see how things are going. Deonna has become more comfortable with her hubby and more affectionate. Her openness is not only a relief to Pastor Calvin, but to Greg as well. We all know that Deonna’s heart was encased in ice, but is slowly starting to thaw. She even admits she is fearful that Greg won’t like all the sides of her.
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Aww… I love Greg! He just may have the patience necessary to win his wife’s heart. I have to admit that I didn’t think this couple had a chance, but they are shaping up to be our only hope with this group.
Amber Bowles decides to get dressed up and cook a romantic dinner for Matt Gwynne for their anniversary. Matt brings home flowers it looks like he cut from outside their apartment and a single serving of dessert. I’m sorry but these two are doomed. Matt just seems like he is going through the motions. Amber uses sex to keep his attention and that will eventually get old when he actually has to listen to her speak. Clearly that already is starting to take place given he ran away from home just last week.
Iris turns to her mother for advice about Keith. She goes to show just how out of touch she is with reality when she says he should be excited that she is a virgin. Yea…not so much. It’s a short experiment; he doesn’t want to take your virginity unless you are staying together. Luckily her mother actually was giving her some sage advice. Iris can’t be this naive. Where was she raised, Pleasantville? There is nothing wrong choosing to be a virgin until marriage, but you have to know that would be hard for a man who has already had sex.
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Deonna and Greg go bowling and she actually acts like she wants to be there!!! Awww… our baby is all grown up. She actually engages in PDA multiple times and truly seems to be enjoying Greg’s company. Deonna, you better not ruin this for us! We are rooting for you two. I am happy to see you seem to have abandoned that annoying voice and are being open to this relationship. This show is like Survivor. Someone has to win and outlast the others. It could be you if you play your cards right!
Jamie plans a romantic surprise for Elizabeth. She meets him where they got married to celebrate their anniversary. Jamie recites new vows to hopefully mark a turn in their relationship. Elizabeth swoons over his gesture. Hmmm… something tells me this is the calm before the storm.
Meanwhile, Keith has planned a surprise outing horseback riding for Iris. She thanks him for his patience and admits she wants to stay married.
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Matt and Amber go to dinner to celebrate their one month anniversary. Over a plate of hot wings, they both reminisce about their marriage so far. Matt asks what annoys Amber about him. Her response is “continue telling me you’re alive.” What? That’s all he has to do to make you happy?
Elizabeth and Jamie present each other with gifts. His is a heart-shaped necklace while Elizabeth gave a less climatic one.
Deonna and Greg have a romantic dinner. When they arrive home, they view their wedding album and Deonna is surprised with a bath, candles and rose petals. Although Deonna seems to appreciate the gesture, she still puts on her flannel pjs and bids Greg a goodnight.
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All the couples bring in their anniversaries with a gift basket from the experts containing their wedding photos and their marriage certificates. While looking at their photos Keith presents Iris with a necklace that makes her emotional. Iris gives Keith vinyl records because he loves music. It’s obvious they both really kept each other in mind when picking out the gifts. Maybe Keith and Iris still are in the running. I’m still on the fence.
While out on the town, Amber and Matt watch their wedding video outside. As a surprise, Matt breaks out a guitar and sings Amber a song. Ummmm… I was unimpressed to say the least. Of course, Amber got emotional hearing a song that’s first line said he was a “wanderer.” I think Matt spent a total of $3.99 on Amber’s gifts. The only thing he bought was that dessert. I don’t believe he bought those flowers. Oh, I forgot the wings, if he even paid for dinner.
Jamie and Elizabeth sit outside and look at their wedding photos. Jamie immediately gets annoyed that the only comments Elizabeth were concerned herself and how she looked. Well…. I guess that moon water didn’t work after all. Cue the dramatic divorce threats in 5…4…3…2…1
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Sigh! Ugh… I knew it was the calm before the storm. Late that night, Jamie becomes verbally aggressive towards Elizabeth because he is still upset she didn’t react to their wedding photos the way that he wanted. Yes, Elizabeth was obnoxiously talking about how great she looked, but that doesn’t warrant someone yelling and cursing at her all night. We thought it was just Elizabeth, but Jamie is insane as well. He is so sensitive and over-analyzes everything!!!!! Jamie is way too old to have temper tantrums every time someone he barely knows doesn’t do what he thinks she should do.
He even goes as far to call Elizabeth a materialistic #$%&. I still haven’t figured out which word that is, but use your imagination. It’s a not a nice one. The argument ends with Jamie grabbing his cat and leaving again. I feel bad for the animals who have to endure this toxic relationship. I’m sure Jamie’s cat jumped into the carrier on his own. The next day, Elizabeth has a breakdown because she thinks everything is her fault. Well… that is partly true but there is something very off about a man who gets so angry and vindictive about small disagreements. I haven’t forgotten how viciously he went after Elizabeth about working with her father.
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[Photo Credit: Lifetime]