Decades before Dark Fate, the iconic T2 trio reunited for an epic Battle Across Time. The year was 1996, and the Terminator franchise hadn’t birthed a new installment since Terminator 2: Judgment Day five years prior. In April of that year, however, a brand new Terminator adventure arrived on the big screen, only it wasn’t
Check out the new clip for Last Christmas starring Emilia Clarke! Let us know what you think in the comments below. ► Buy Tickets to Last Christmas: Want to be notified of all the latest clips and behind the scenes footage? Subscribe to the channel and click the bell icon to stay up to
One person’s trash is another’s treasure. For this list, we’re looking at the most valuable finds of all time, some discovered by accident, some sought very much on purpose; and while some are individual objects worth an extraordinary amount, others are large quantities of riches. As well, note that some of these discoveries took place
We love these products, and we hope you do too. E! has affiliate relationships, so we may get a small share of the revenue from your purchases. Items are sold by the retailer, not E!.  The holidays will be here before you know it and we have one question for you: do you know what
Instagram When you know, you know!  Congratulations are in order for Below Deck star Abbi Murphy. The reality TV starlet revealed that she has married her long-time love Patrick after the text message engagement fans got treated to on Monday night’s episode of the Bravo show. Abbi began dating Patrick prior to starring on Below Deck. In fact, Patrick is a
Director Tim Miller claims that the Kitty Pryde movie will never happen. After a few short films in the early 2000s, Miller made his directing debut in 2016 with Deadpool. David Leitch replaced Miller for Deadpool 2, but last year it looked like Miller might be returning to the mutant universe. Two years after the release of Deadpool, it was reported
Check out the official The Banker trailer starring Samuel L. Jackson! Let us know what you think in the comments below. ► Sign up for a Fandango FanAlert for The Banker: Want to be notified of all the latest movie trailers? Subscribe to the channel and click the bell icon to stay up to
There is a scene early in the English Yu-Gi-Oh! adaptation that has always stuck with me. In it, duelist Mai Valentine desires a private room aboard a ship to a Duel Monsters tournament, so she approaches Rex Raptor, whose finalist status in a previous tournament granted him such an amenity, with a proposition: if she
Chicago artist Noname has taken to Twitter to announce her next album. “I don’t really talk about my music much on here,” she wrote earlier tonight, “but I’m dropping an album 2020 if anybody’s interested.” Find her post below. The as-yet untitled project will mark Noname’s follow-up to her 2018 LP Room 25, which