Mystery Team (Hulu) The Plot: Jason (Donald Glover), Duncan (D.C. Piersen), and Charlie (Dominic Dierkes) were their neighborhood’s top detectives, solving a slew of local “crimes” in their childhood. In adulthood, they prove to be not as successful as the trio attempt to crack a case that forces them realize that solving grown-up crimes takes
Whether you’re into UFO documentaries because, like Fox Mulder, you “want to believe,” you’re a die-hard UFO enthusiast who’s just waiting for that full disclosure, or you’re a complete skeptic who just things the stories and footage are really interesting, you’re perfectly supplied by Netflix right now with some amazing research materials. Not just from
The Real Housewives of Atlanta are still in Greece during tonight’s new episode. Last week, everyone was attempting to walk on eggshells following the announcement of Kenya Moore and Marc Daly’s split. Cynthia Bailey even persuaded NeNe Leakes to say some disingenuous nice words to Kenya. Kenya responding by thanking every Real Housewives of Atlanta
There are certain aspects of Seagal’s life, however, that seem like they’re just too preposterous to be true, but let me tell you, most of what you hear about the star of such films as Above The Law, Hard To Kill, and Under Siege, is just too crazy to be made up.
More than 16 years after the release of Honey, Jessica Alba‘s still got those dance skills, and so does her daughter. The 38-year-old actress and Honest Company co-founder posted on her Instagram page on Saturday a TikTok video of her and 8-year-old Haven Warren, her and husband Cash Warren‘s middle child, showcasing their moves to Trey Traylor and brother Armon
Today’s edition of Daily Deals is sponsored by Book Riot’s round-up of our favorite books of the year so far! Today’s Featured Deals In case you missed yesterday’s most popular deals Previous Daily Deals Magic for Liars by Sarah Gailey for $2.99 Anansi Boys by Neil Gaiman for $1.99 The Betel Nut Tree Mystery by
Tom Hanks is full of gratitude—and Vegemite—as he and wife Rita Wilsoncontinue their recovery from the coronavirus while in isolation in Australia. In a new update posted on Instagram on Sunday, the 63-year-old popular actor channeled children’s TV character Mister Rogers, who he plays in the 2019 film A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood. “Thanks to the Helpers. Let’s
Ben Hodges, 20, said his Catholic college had been ‘brilliant’ when he came out as trans. (Liverpool Echo/Screenshot) A trans man who came out while attending a Catholic college received “brilliant” support, despite what many see as a conflict between religion and transgender identities. Ben Hodge, 20, didn’t feel able to come out as a
Oh, Wisteria Lane. Never in the history of television has one cul-de-sac been the epicenter for more death and destruction, calamity and comedy. We’re talking, of course, about the iconic suburban setting of ABC’s beloved and long-running dramedy Desperate Housewives. Premiering in the fall of 2004, the show created by former Golden Girls writer Marc