Sarah Jessica Parker Reveals Why Carrie Bradshaw Doesn’t Get Manicures


And Just Like That creator Michael Patrick King offered more insight into Carrie’s unexpected style move.

“I thought, ‘Wow, she’s wearing nail polish!’ And it’s a dark nail polish, which is interesting and surprising,” Michael told Glamour. He noted this particular instance takes place in Brooklyn and is quite noticeable since Carrie is “holding the tiniest purse she’s ever held.”

“I guess she just decided, ‘I’m going to Brooklyn, I’m wearing this glittery thing, I feel like I want a little fun,'” he said. “But once again, it’s always spontaneous. Carrie Bradshaw is spontaneous. She decides, ‘I’m going to wear this or that. I’m going to wear this long slip tutu to go get coffee. And, oh, maybe I’ll put on nail polish tonight.'”

He added, “What’s great about the character is she is not guarded by rules. Even rules she makes up.”

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