Who Got Evicted From Big Brother 23 During Week 9?

Reality TV

It’s the seemingly fail-proof Cookout Alliance for me. And the fact that Tiffany Mitchell did us all a favor by winning HOH two weeks in a row. I have legitimately no idea why this was her move, but I am always here for a twist and fumbling alliance. Unsurprisingly, Tiffany nominated Xavier Prather and Alyssa Lopez for eviction. And here we go.

Almost immediately Tiffany started to second guess her nom decision, realizing Alyssa is a semi-comp beast and could win herself a Veto. Should Alyssa win, that would mean Tiffany is forced to nominate her houseguest bestie, Claire Rehfuss. That is, unless Tiffany wants to take the first shot at a Cookout alliance member. Tiff also neglected to consider the fact that Xavier has been throwing comps all summer (allegedly). He could “choose” to win, take himself down, and force Tiffany’s hand himself. He pretty much wouldn’t stop mentioning this all week. Like, we get it. You have muscles. Is this a bid for The Challenge?

The entire week felt like Xavier was getting more and more annoyed with Tiffany’s game. I am starting to see a real fracture for The Cookout. And Tiffany is completely unaware. *pops popcorn* During the Veto draw Tiffany picked Hannah Chaddah as her Houseguest choice. Xavier drew Derek Frazier’s name, and Alyssa drew Azah Awasum. More on that later. Zingbot is here!

Personally, I found Zingbot’s zings rather pedestrian this year. He teased Claire’s feet, called Hannah boring, and reminded Tiffany she’s the oldest in the house? I know we’re all broken down after the last two years, but this was bad. The only real roast was calling out the lack of a romantic future between Azah and Xavier. That STUNG!

Okay back to Veto. Alyssa actually did that thing! Go girl! Of course, she took herself off the block, and that meant Tiffany had to put Claire up instead. My heart. Claire sobbing while talking with Tiff made me tear up. She is so sad and heart broken but also so understanding and graceful about her nomination. Claire did ask if Tiffany was in an alliance, to which Tiffany lied and said no. Claire assured Tiffany she would still give her a vote if when Tiffany makes it to final two. I’m wondering if that will change once she learns there actually is an alliance in Jury House?

In a vote of 4-1 Claire is sent home early on eviction night. She didn’t give anyone a hug. I suspect that an embrace could have started the waterworks. I feel ya on that girl. In her exit interview Claire said she gets it. She called out the mission Tiffany shared with her before nominations. Claire fully understood the cause and was in support of it all.

Regarding her final plea to the houseguests before the final vote, Claire admitted she was taking a shot at Xavier. She explained, “I was trying to get across to the houseguests that they need to watch out for Xavier in this game…and I was trying to help out Tiff and Chaddah as well.” Claire wanted to help people look to Xavier as a threat rather than her girls. Smooth as ever this one.

After Claire’s interview, Big Brother kicked it into overtime for tonight’s double eviction. The HOH comp was a memory game. Hannah took the win and nominated Xavier and Alyssa once again. Xavier finally won a comp this year (muscles not required), and took himself off the block by winning the golden power of Veto! That meant Hannah was forced to select a member of The Cookout to place against Alyssa. She went big and put Kyland Young up, possibly showing her cards too soon?

In the end, Alyssa was voted out 3-1. It was a total slam dunk. This cemented The Cookout’s vision as a reality. They made it to final six! Xavier can brood over it all he wants, but he owes Tiffany for this savant-like strategy.

When asked if she felt betrayed by anyone in her exit interview, Alyssa admitted she was upset with Hannah. She also said she didn’t trust anyone else in the house besides X. She blamed being a King early in the season for the target being on her back tonight. I know I say it all the time, but I just can’t get over how low-down this alliance is! Who besides Alyssa even REMEMBERS there used to be teams. Can’t wait to see what the Jury House is piecing together. I also can’t wait to watch The Cookout turn it to ten and struggle through next weeks double elimination!


[Photo Credit: Cliff Lipson/CBS via Getty Images]

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